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Mesigyna 50/5 mg JGA, Injection Norethisterone, Estradiol
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Because Mesigyna contains both an estrogen and a progestin, precautions on its use are similar to those existing for COCs.
Mesigyna not be used in the presence of any of the conditions listed below. You must immediately stop using the prepared if any of them for the first time during his employment:
• Presence or history of thrombotic / thromboembolic arterial or venous (eg deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction) or stroke.
• Presence or history of previous symptoms of a thrombosis (eg transient ischemic attack, angina pectoris).
• History of migraine with focal neurological symptoms.
• Diabetes mellitus with vascular involvement.
• The presence of a serious risk factor or multiple risk factors for arterial or venous thrombosis may also constitute a contraindication (see Precautions).
• Presence or history of severe liver disease while the liver function values ​​have not returned to normal.
• Presence or history of liver tumors (benign or malignant).
• known or suspected neoplasms, influenced by sex steroids (eg of the genital organs or the breasts).
• Vaginal bleeding undiagnosed.
• Known or suspected pregnancy thereof.
• Hypersensitivity to the active substances or any of the excipients.
How to use Mesigyna: Injecting Mesigyna always apply deep intramuscularly (preferably in the gluteal region and, as an alternative, arm). The injections were always administered very slowly (see ADVERSE REACTIONS). Is then advisable to cover the injection site with an adhesive tape, to prevent any backflow of the solution.
Getting Started Mesigyna:
If you have not used any hormonal contraception previously: If possible, administer Mesigyna the first day of a woman's natural cycle, ie the first day of menstrual bleeding. You can also start on days 2 5 of the cycle, but in that case we recommend using an additional barrier method during the first 7 days after injection.
To replace a combined oral contraceptive (COC): Preferably a woman should start using Mesigyna immediately after taking tablets AOC active for at least 7 days or directly after the last active tablet from the container.
To override a method based on progestin only (minipill, injection, implant) or intrauterine system (IUS) releasing progestogen: A woman can replace the minipill any day (in the case of an implant or a SIU, the same day of his retirement, whether it is an injectable when the next injection), but in all such cases should be advised to additionally use a barrier method during the first 7 days after injection.
After an abortion in the first quarter: The woman may start at any time within one week following an abortion. In doing so, you need not take additional contraceptive measures.
After delivery or abortion in the second quarter: For breastfeeding women, see Restrictions on use during pregnancy and lactation.
Mesigyna injection should be applied between 21 and 28 after delivery or abortion in the second quarter or the first postpartum menstruation. Doing so later, he should be advised to additionally use a barrier method during the first 7 days after injection of Mesigyna. However, if the woman has had sex, be excluded that a pregnancy has occurred before the start of Mesigyna or she should expect to have their first menstrual period.
Handling of the following injections: The second and subsequent injections are given, regardless of the pattern of the menstrual cycle, at intervals of 30 ± 3 days, ie at least 27 and at most 33 days.
Exceeding the injection interval beyond the maximum of 33 days, you can not run from that date with the necessary degree of contraceptive security and therefore should be advised women to use additional contraceptive measures.
If within 30 days after the injection is not filed withdrawal bleeding should be evaluated for pregnancy through a proper test
- Drug Name: Mesigyna
- Comparable drug patent: Mesigyna
- Active Ingredients: Estradiol Norethisterone
- Presentation: Solution for Injection
- Concentration: 50.00mg/5.00ml
- Extended-release tablets: No
- Lab: Bayer, Inc. de CV
- Box with a disposable syringe
- Made in Mexico