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Medicina Mexico knows that keeping your customers happy, secure and safe is more important than making money and will always result in repeat customers.

By checking your online account,  you will see your current and prior orders including your Order Numbers and all payments received.  Every day we receive over 5.2 million new orders worldwide. Because our staff is so busy processing orders and answering over 140,000 new emails received daily consequently, we were forced to make some tough decisions.

We are no longer taking phone calls or adding shipping information into the web servers.  Please do not send us an email asking if your order has shipped, or for a tracking number as our English Section is no longer connected to the Shipping Department as of August 22, 2023, by orders of our Board of Directors.  We answer all emails within 48 hours and that will never stop.

We process all Express Orders first then Mex Post Orders. Each order is time stamped. All Mex Post orders are shipped within 92 hours of receipt of funds. If we are out of medicine at the time of shipping and more than 10 days have past where the medicine is still out of stock then we will issue you a CREDIT on ACCOUNT that can be used at any time. We do not provide tracking numbers unless your order is more than 40 days late beyond all custom delays.

PLEASE NOTE: Medicina Mexico has no influence over any government's customs. Access to our shipping computers is no longer available to our English Sections because it has resulted in that department failure to finish its daily duties.

Please NOTE: Funds received without an order number, or a customer's name are placed into our SUSPENSE ACCOUNT until we are able to determine the correct owner and their order number. This causes delays. To avoid this, please always send an email to:  along with your order number, who made the payment, the exact amount paid in US Dollars, the date of the payment and how you made this payment. If you use ACH, Wire Transfer, a check, or Zelle, then please let us know which one of our banks or which email you sent these funds to.

The UNITED STATES and some other countries require a prescription on all medications sold from Mexico. They further require documentation in English and an invoice of all medicines sold for customs.  For these countries, Medicina Mexico is now delivering your medicines to Dr. Isaac Reyes, MD (Ced. Federal 644884) (Ced. Estatal 1537-02/05) along with the required documentation including documentation on each medication sold in English is from Wolters Kluwer.   Dr. Reyes upon receipt of your medication will issue a prescription and provide for shipping pursuant to your order.  If for any reason, Dr. Reyes fails to issue a prescription for a specific medication, then you will receive a Credit on Account

Please never send an email to more to one of our email addresses and please wait for our response otherwise our AI will delete ALL your emails due to SPAM. When sending an email, please include your full name, your order number and how we can help you.

When reporting a payment, please always include your Order Number, who made the payment,the amount paid in US Dollars and how you made your payment. If through Zelle, then which email address did you send this payment to?

Licensed pharmacies in Mexico are only allowed to sell medications, either brands or generics, from an approved pharmaceutical which has passed testing and has subsequently been authorized by the Mexican Government.

Never take a medication without first consulting and getting permission from your MD.

If you look on the left-hand side of any of our web pages at (About US) you will see our licenses, permits and our Regulatory Body and our terms.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Our email addresses are: or

You can log into your account and see your payments and prior orders. servers.

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Triquilar 21 Tabs, Levonorgestrel, Ethinyl Estradiol

Triquilar 21 Tabs, Levonorgestrel, Ethinyl Estradiol
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Triquilar 21 Tabs, Levonorgestrel, Ethinyl Estradiol


Triquilar 21 Tabs ESTROGENS AND PROGESTINS ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES (Systemic) Generic: Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Description Oral contraceptives are known also as the Pill, OCs, BCs, BC tablets, or birth control pills.

This medicine usually contains two types of hormones, estrogens (ES-troh-jenz ) and progestins (proh-JES-tins) and, when taken properly, prevents pregnancy.

It works by stopping a woman`s egg from fully developing each month. The egg can no longer accept a sperm and fertilization is prevented. Although oral contraceptives have other effects that help prevent a pregnancy from occurring, this is the main action. Sometimes a woman`s egg can still develop even though the medication is taken once each day, especially when more than 24 hours pass between two doses.

In almost all cases when the medicine was taken properly and an egg develops, fertilization can still be stopped by oral contraceptives. This is because oral contraceptives also thicken cervical mucus at the opening of the uterus. This makes it hard for the partner`s sperm to reach the egg. In addition, oral contraceptives change the uterus lining just enough so that an egg will not stop in the uterus to develop.

All of these effects make it difficult to become pregnant when properly taking an oral contraceptive. No contraceptive method is 100 percent effective.

Studies show that fewer than one of each one hundred women correctly using oral contraceptives becomes pregnant during the first year of use . Birth control methods such as having surgery to become sterile or not having sex are more effective. Using condoms, diaphragms, progestin-only oral contraceptives, or spermicides is not as effective as using oral contraceptives containing estrogens and progestins. Discuss with your health care professional your options for birth control.

The triphasic cycle product of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (the brand name Ortho Tri-Cyclen ) and norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol (the brand name Estrostep ) can be used for the treatment of moderate acne only if the patient is at least 15 years old, has acne that has not improved with topical anti-acne medicines, has gotten approval from her doctor, has begun to have menstrual periods, desires an oral contraceptive for birth control, and plans to stay on it for at least 6 months. Sometimes these preparations can be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

For more information, please consult your physician



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